Journey to Yourself Among Dolphins

Weekly Transformational Cruise in the Red Sea 

Date: October 4th - 11th 2024

Location: Egypt

I've traveled the world and experienced a lot, but I've never truly rested, regenerated, and harmonized myself like on a week-long cruise with wild dolphins.

From the bottom of my heart, I invite you to a magical journey full of breath, scents, flavors, and miracles that only dolphins, great people, good food, and entertainment can provide.

Join us to naturally tune into the rhythm of nature, which will open the door to connecting with your essence. 

Everything that weighs you down will be gently but surely washed away by the dolphins. From this pure energy, together, through morning breathing exercises and meditations, we will begin to create the life you truly desire from deep within yourself.

During the day, we will swim with wild dolphins several times.

At sunset, we will tune into the sea and dolphins together through meditation. We will share in a circle and gradually open ourselves to our wishes and the path to their fulfillment through breathing techniques.

You will be far away from light pollution, noise, and civilization. Your nervous system will have space to calm down.

The sea will provide you with its healing, anti-inflammatory, and detoxifying effects.

You will fall asleep with the sunset and wake up with its sunrise. Your biorhythm will return to normal and adapt to the rhythm of nature.

And all these healing effects of nature will be supported by meditations, breathing techniques, and individual consultations so that you return back in absolute harmony.

Imagine a place where you connect with nature, detached from the internet (only turned on at pre-arranged times) and everyday stress, allowing you to tap into your inner self. You will gain clarity on who you truly are and what your purpose in life is.

Our stay is all-inclusive, so you'll enjoy delicacies prepared by our talented local chef. Expect plenty of vegetables, fruits, meats, fish, pasta, rice, and more. There's always a barrel of water, coffee, and tea available.

We'll be anchored near a coral reef teeming with colorful fish.

One day and evening, we'll spend on an island full of crabs and rare eagles. It's a paradise on earth, so we'll have a campfire in the evening and maybe even sing along with a guitar.

P.S.: If you have a guitar and play, don't forget to bring it along.


You can expect plenty of small and big wonders, relaxation, sports, comfort, and profound insights. You'll taste authentic Egyptian coffee during the evening ritual. 


Departure from Prague on October 4th at 1.30 am 
Arrival in Marsa Alam at 7 am

Day 1: 

Transfer to the port in Marsa Alam, boarding, and accommodation in cabins, setting sail. Lesson on efficient snorkeling techniques. Snorkeling at one of the most beautiful coral reefs. 

Transfer to the Sataya dolphin bay. 

Day 2 - 5: The program will slightly vary each day. At the beginning and end of the voyage, there will be a long transformative breathing journey. A typical day will look like this:

Before breakfast: Start the day with an activating breathing session, guided meditation, or early morning dolphin swim
Breakfast and short break
Swimming with dolphins
Swimming with dolphins
Sharing circle/meditation/sunset observation/night swimming 

Day 6: 

Activating breathing session/meditation/swimming with dolphins

Breakfast and short break
Swimming with dolphins
Visit to Siyal Island in the Wadi Gemal National Park (swimming in a shallow lagoon, snorkeling along beautiful coral, walk and observation of Egyptian vultures, sunset on the island, campfire)

Day 7: 

Snorkeling at the coral reef in Marsa Alam and transfer to the port

Day 8:

Transfer to the airport and departure

Arrival in Prague on October 11th at 11.30 am

When you look into the eyes of a dolphin, nothing will ever be the same again. You will leave with a sense of wholeness and inner peace.

The price of retreat:

- for adults: 1880 EURO till the end of June, therefore 1960 EURO

- for children 1600 EURO (children who do not turn 12 by the end of the stay) 

Price includes:

- Roundtrip flights: Prague - Egypt

- Transfer from the airport in Egypt to the port  

- Accommodation in a 2-bed cabin and the entire cruise

- All-inclusive stay

- Dolphin swimming at least 3 times a day

- Program (long transformative breathwork sessions, breathing exercises, meditations, and other techniques to deepen the process)

- Cruise program and instructor assistance (campfire on the island, coffee ritual, etc.)

- English speaking guide

- Trip to Siyal Island in Wadi Gemal National Park

- One dive with equipment under the guidance of an instructor

After confirming your interest, I will send you a more detailed description + payment schedule and other information to prepare for the cruise.

I am looking forward to our week full of real miracles, joy, and deep relaxation. It's an experience that will influence your entire life! You will experience a deep connection with water, with yourself, and with the whole planet.

With love, Štěpánka

Would you like to experience it?

Please confirm your interest and fill out the form below. I will get back to you soon with more detailed information.